



【Important Information】

Due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the international delivery/mail is now regulated from Japan to several countries.
For this reason, there are some countries we cannot send the monthly magazine “Tokenbijutsu.”
When the delivery system recovers, we will send the delayed ones at once.
We would appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

For more details, please refer to the link below.


We release the Token Bijutsu PDF online on this page until the mailing situation recover for the members it may concern. 

No.818 (March)-①No.818 (March)-②No.818 (March)-③

※To view the PDF, you need the password that you have informed in advance to members in areas where mailing is not possible. 
※It is strictly prohibited to reprint without permission, transfer or lend the password of this PDF to the third party. 
※This service will be implemented only for the limited time until the mailing situation recover.


Until the delivery delays are resolved,
We accept your answer for the Shijo Kantei in the following page.

Question    (3/10 updated)



About Us

About Us

The Nihon Bijutsu Token Hozon Kyokai (NBTHK) was founded in February 1948 as an authorized foundation by the government in order to save Japanese sword that was in a critical situation of total destruction when the Occupation Forces tried to confiscate all the Japanese swords from Japanese people just after World War II. Also the Sword Museum that belongs to the NBTHK was built and opened in May 1968 with co-operation and financial support of its members.

It is our purpose that we conserve Japanese swords that have artistic value and make them be open to the public. Also we support the preservation and the development of sword forging and polishing techniques as well as koshirae making as intangible cultural assets. Meanwhile, we make all possible effort to investigate and secure the material of Japanese sword and help people in studying Japanese sword appreciation.




Member's Privilege

  1. NBTHK magazine "Token Bijutsu" is sent to members every month.   
  2. You can have discount entrance fee at sword exhibition held by the NBTHK.
  3. Sustaining and lifetime members are free to attend sword exhibitions and special sword viewings held by the NBTHK.
  4. Shinsa application fee is discounted.
  5. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the membership application process, please don't hesitate to contact us at the following e-mail address          Mail: nbthk.member@touken.or.jp
Status Enrollment Fee Yearly Membership Fee
Member 1,000 yen 12,000 yen
Student Member 1,000 yen 4,800 yen
Sustaining Member 1,000 yen 36,000 yen
Lifetime Member - -
Oversea Member 1,000 yen 19,200 yen

* Life member is required to donate the NBTHK articles that are evaluated over 500,000 Japanese Yen.
* Oversea membership fee includes the postage of "Token Bijutsu".

Shinsa Fee List

Shinsa Fee List

* Shinsa fee depends on the result.
* We will write down Shinsa Fee on the result paper.
* Shinsa fee is not charged when the result of shinsa is in "Horyu" (Reserved).
*Tax included
*There is a maximum number of Hozon/Tokubetsu Hozon Shinsa applications for each advance application method.
Click here for details.


In case that you apply to Hozon only 

result membership fee non-membership fee
passing Token&Toso  27,500yen 29,700yen
Tosogu 18,700yen 20,900yen
failure Token&Toso 
11,000yen 13,200yen
Tosogu  7,700yen 9,900yen


In case that you apply to Hozon only(When You have Hozon NBTHK paper)

result membership fee
non-membership fee
passing Token&Toso 
38,500yen 40,700yen
33,000yen 35,200yen
failure Token&Toso 
11,000yen 13,200yen
7,700yen 9,900yen


In case that you apply to Hozon and Tokubetsuhozon both. 

result membership fee
non-membership fee
11,000yen 13,200yen
Tosogu 7,700yen 9,900yen
Hozon          :passing
38,500yen 42,900yen
26,400yen 30,800yen
Hozon          :passing
Token&Toso  60,500yen 64,900yen
48,400yen 52,800yen


result membership fee
non-membership fee
passing Token&Toso
242,000yen 264,000yen
132,000yen 154,000yen
failuer Token&Toso
23,100yen 45,100yen
 16,500yen  38,500yen

Tokubetsu Juyo

result membership fee
non-membership fee
passing Token&Toso
374,000yen 396,000yen
264,000yen 286,000yen
34,100yen 56,100yen
 23,100yen 45,100yen


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  • 公益財団法人 日本美術刀剣保存協会
  • The Japanese Sword Museum

1-12-9, Yokoami, Sumidaku, Tokyo 130-0015 TEL:03-6284-1000 FAX:03-6284-1100
Hours:9:30-17:00 (Last admission at 16:30) Closed:Mondays (Holidays are open)
